Conferment 2022

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Chartered Banker Upcoming Events ICA
Talk on Sustainability
Talk on Sustainability
Unmasking Insider Risk — Building A Resilient Culture
Unmasking Insider Risk — Building A Resilient Culture
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Congratulations to all Conferees!

Tan Sri Azman Hashim, FCB

Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers

On behalf of the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers (AICB), I am deeply honoured once again, to extend my congratulations to all our esteemed members who have achieved the Chartered Banker status. I trust reaching this career milestone was no simple feat, in view of another year of global economic upheaval and challenges each of you has had to overcome during the pandemic

Therefore, I am most delighted to pay tribute to the 177 Chartered Banker conferees this year, as well as take pride in announcing that we now have over 32,000 members who completed various AICB professional qualifications. Not only did we see a membership growth rate of 5% from the previous year, but our retention rate also charted a 2% increase from 2021 and now stands at 92%. I believe this to be a testament to our fellow bankers’ endorsement and recognition of our commitment and contribution as the sole professional body for Malaysia’s banking industry.

Fellow Chartered Bankers, your success and status distinguish you from your counterparts. The reason is not purely because of the competitive advantage you now have to excel in your role in the future of banking; more significantly, it validates your promise to uphold the high standards expected of our profession.

We are in a business where trust is paramount in our relationship with clients, employers and stakeholders. To quote author and business consultant, Patrick Dixon, “In banking or finance, trust is the only thing you have to sell”. Hence, with the digitalisation of banking and collective emphasis on the environmental, social and governance (ESG) agenda, we are strengthening our commitment to collaborate with the industry and our partners, to empower bankers with lifelong learning and the integrity to always take the ethical route in their careers — come what may.

Championing these very values is what our flagship programme, the Chartered Banker qualification, remains steadfast in, along with nurturing our banking talent into trailblazers who can help steer our country’s economy onto a more stable footing as we transition to the endemic phase. I am heartened to note that even during such an arduous year, it remained among the top programme choices for members in 2021, raising the total of Chartered Bankers in Malaysia to 630.

During the pandemic, we also worked hand-in-hand with the Asian Banking School (ABS) to ensure that the industry’s top training programmes were made available online. New collaborations with leading business schools yielded a more extensive range of programmes like the Chartered Banker MBA by the renowned Bangor Business School in Wales, UK; allowing AICB Chartered Banker holders to accelerate their knowledge journey. Suffice to say, ABS has greatly contributed towards building a robust pipeline of professional bankers in Malaysia, training close to 150,000 participants to date.

Even as the outlook for the year ahead remains indefinite, I feel hopeful and confident that nothing will stand in the way of your pursuit of excellence in your career goals, as we match your stride by continuing to support you with all the resources and direction you need. As AICB members, let us always aim to abide by our Code of Professional Conduct and observe our oath to serve with the highest standards of professionalism and ethics to the best of our ability. It is your utmost responsibility as a banker.

With that, I would like to congratulate all of you once again. Your dedication and achievement have earned all of you the lasting respect of the banking fraternity.

My heartfelt thanks to the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, Tan Sri Nor Shamsiah Mohd Yunus, for the invaluable support; our Council Members and our partners, the Chartered Banker Institute, UK, and the Asian Banking School; and especially to the management and staff of AICB for their continuous hard work and dedication.

Hong Leong Bank Berhad

Mr Domenic Fuda, FCB


Affin Bank Berhad

Mr Ch'ng Shun Yong, Adam

Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad
Ms Chia Pooi San
Mr Jacob Abraham Thomas Rajan
Ms Wong Pei Pei
AmBank (M) Berhad
Ms Alina Grace Tan Kui KwoonMr Andrew Ong Ewe JinMs Marie Phang Chew Ping
Ms Quek Ser TyanMr Tay Soon YenMs Yeoh Siew Peng

AmInvestment Bank Berhad

Madam Tracy Chen Wee Keng

Mr Edmond Lim Gin Sheng

Ms Lim Jin Yuen


Bangkok Bank Berhad

Mr Andrea Chong Hon Ngian

Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad

Mr Noor Hafiz Noor Eing

Bank Negara Malaysia

Mr Chun Keat Hiew

Mr Mohd Zabidi Bin Md Nor

Ms Nordalilah Binti Abdullah

Ms Nur Syairah Husna Binti Mohd Ridzuan

Ms Syairulzila Mohd Yusof

Bank of America Malaysia Berhad

Mr Raymond Yeoh Cheng Seong

Bank of China (Malaysia) Berhad

Ms Goh Siew Tying

Ms Lao Kah Meng

Ms Lee Chai Cheng

Mr Lim Chee Weng

Mr Tan Tii Lam

Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad

Mr Fauzi Bin Md Aris

BNP Paribas Malaysia Berhad

Mr Reza Bin Ridzuan


China Construction Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

Ms Chong Fei Mi
Ms Susie Ling Kiong

CIMB Bank Berhad

Ms Azirawati Binti Abd RahmanMs Chee Chai LingMr Lau Wee Hien
Mr Lim Yue ChuanMr Mok Yau YeeMs Nur Alia Binti Zulkifli
Ms Ong Geok LingMr Rudran SivayanapoopathyMs Yeong Li-Ying

CIMB Investment Bank Berhad

Mr Liaw Yuen Shun

CIMB Bank Plc (Cambodia)

Mr Bun Yin

Citibank Berhad

Mr Loh Von Jack


Hong Leong Bank Berhad

Mr Daniel Mun Kok Leong

Mr Lau How Wah

Mr Ong Hock Khim

Ms Tay Wen Jia

HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad

Ms Adeline Sin Hui Fen

Mr Danny Lim Kooi Yuen

Ms Ng Jou May

Ms Quek Yi Lian


J. P. Morgan Chase Bank Berhad

Ms Goh Gan Eng

Ms Josephine Ng Siok Leng

Ms Ngu Kat Fung


Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad

Mr Tham Mun Han


Labuan Financial Services Authority (Labuan FSA)

Mr Pooi Jun Jin


Malayan Banking Berhad

Mr Azrul Hamzah Bin Nor Hamzah

Mr Ding Nik Siong

Ms Fazlina Mohd Salman

Mr Jason Lim Tsu Yang

Mr Jeevan Victor

Mr Kamaruzaman Bin Mohd Noah @ Md Nor
Ms Koh May LingMr Koushik ChakrabortyMs Leow Wai Yan
Ms Pua Chin WeiMs Sandra Jean CorrayMs Sher May Pua
Mr Sia Hui HinMr Siau Kok HanMr Surendran Nair Sankaran
Ms Tan Li QunMr Tan Wei ChuenMs Thien Zhi Yun

Maybank Investment Bank Berhad

Ms Ezrina Binti Mahadzir

Mr Wong Benny

MBSB Bank Berhad

Ms Aniza Binti Zakaria

Ms Hee Wei Jean

Mr Rifaie Faiz Bin Abd Rashid

MUFG Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

Ms Cheryl Wang Yun Ni

Ms Chin Pik Hoong

Mr Foo See Hee

Mr Kong Ling KenMs Lim Sim YeeMs Looi Yen Ping
Ms Wong Yew Kien


OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

Ms Lim Soo Hoon

Ms Tan Ai Chin

Ms Tan Chye Lye

Mr Toh Sheau FengMs Wong Shu MeiMr Yau Yeu Shiuan
Ms Yip Chee Cheng


Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia

Mr Muhammad Fareez Iskandar

Public Bank Berhad

Ms Chan Ai Lin

Ms Chan Phui Gee

Ms Chan Yeow Pik

Mr Cheah Ga Son

Ms Cheah Shin YeeMr Cher Thu Yuen

Ms Chin Sook Huey

Mr Chong Gau YuanMs Fong Lee Moi
Ms Fong Shu LinMr Goh Seow TengMr Gregory Sim Han Meng
Mr Ho Chia YongMr How Han JiunMr Jasher Chew Chuo Han
Ms Kho Chai YenMr Lai Wai KeongMs Lau Mei Leng
Ms Lay Poh WoonMr Lee Dick Jin

Ms Lim Jo Anne

Mr Lim Zhen YungMs Lim Zhin InnMs Ling Lee
Mr Lo Ying JieMs Low Yike PingMs Ng Kah Men
Mr Ng Khyai YarnMs Ng Yee LianMs Ng Yi Lin
Ms Ngoi Mei HuaiMs Nik Nadira Farhana Binti Nik AriffMs Nurul Farhana Binti Jumari
Mr Ong Wee LeeMr Pang Chun WuMr Phang Yoong Wai
Mr Poh Tin KuehMs Shirley LokeMs Sin Hooi Sze
Mr Tan Chow HongMs Tan Seh LeeMs Tee Sheue Lee
Mr Teh Choon SiangMr Tiew Swee SengMs Tong Lay Koon
Ms Wong Kel WynneMs Yap Ceek Cheen


RHB Bank Berhad

Ms Azlina Binti Safian

Mr Chow Kien Khuen

Ms Lau Lee Yin

Mr Muhamad Saifullah Bin AliasMr Rohan A/L KrishnalingamMs Saratha A/P Arumugam
Ms Tai Choy Yen


Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad

Mr Mohammad Sultan Hayat Khan

Ms Priya Devi Paramanathan

Ms Tan Irene

Ms Tew Chin PengMs Yeo Wan Kun

Standard Chartered Global Business Services

Mr Foong Shee Heng Dennis

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Malaysia Berhad

Ms Julie Lim Seet Yin


The Bank of Nova Scotia Berhad

Mr Lai Swee Kim


United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

Ms Ang Ai Lee

Ms Ling Sze Yuen

Ms Ng Yuet Ching

Mr Vincent Teoh Wei ShengMs Yap Chooi Mei

Other Organisations

Ms Goh Gan Looi

Accenture Solutions Sdn Bh

Mr Brian Keith DmelloBank Al Habib Limited

Mr Kua Chee Fun

BIBD At-Tamwil Berhad

Mr Jason Tan Yew Thien

Coface Services Sdn Bhd

Ms Mok Yin Xuan

CSI Sdn Bhd

Mr Wahid Ali Bin Mohd Khalil

IBFIM Consultant

Mr Ponnakrath Svoeuy

Sathapana Bank Plc

Mr Chew Hoi MengStar Talent Consulting
Mr Seohan SooThreewoods Capital Sdn Bhd
Ms Noor HayatiWaafi Bank Ltd
Mr Yong Yoon ShinYutaka Shoji Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Mr Ahmad Zubir Bin ZahidZubir Chang & Co. PLT
Mr Ho Zi Xiang
Mr Kong Seh Guan
Mr Mohamad Akmal Bin Md Husin
Ms Ong Chin Chin
Mr Ong Gark Foo
Chartered BankerMs Lao Kah MengBank Of China (Malaysia) Berhad
Professional BankerMs Si Jin WenUnited Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Berhad
Business Credit ProfessionalMr Tay Wei KhangBank Of China (Malaysia) Berhad
Retail Credit ProfessionalMr Mohd Azim Bin AminuddinBank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad
Bank Risk ManagementMr Japheth Ong Liat HongCIMB Bank Berhad
Certification For Bank AuditorsMs Wong Yi TingUnited Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Berhad
Certified Anti-money Laundering & Counter Financing of Terrorism Compliance OfficerMs Stephanie Ong Li ShuBaxian Trust Labuan Limited
Advanced Certification In Anti-money Laundering & Counter Financing Of TerrorismMs Ng Jo LeneStandard Chartered Global Business Services
Advanced Certification In Regulatory ComplianceMs Nordayana Binti OmarAlliance Bank Malaysia Berhad
Programme Booklet

Get to know our Chartered Banker conferees and Excellence Award winners — view the programme booklet here:

The Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers (AICB) hosted its 5th Chartered Banker Conferment 2022 on 18 June 2022 @ 10 am, which was held physically and broadcasted from the Azman Hashim Auditorium at Bangunan AICB. To date, over 32,580 banking talents have graduated with various AICB qualifications and this year, 177 individuals were conferred the Chartered Banker status, a prestigious designation awarded jointly with the Chartered Banker Institute (CBI), UK, and which recognises the diligence and determination of conferees in attaining the gold standard in banking.

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