Enrolment for AICB’s Qualifications: 2023

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Enrolment for AICB’s Qualifications: 2023

18 Oct 2022

A. Enrolment for AICB’s Qualifications

We are pleased to inform members that the enrolment schedule for 2023 is now available. If you would like to enrol for any of AICB’s professional qualifications or register for examinations, please refer to the table below:


Full Examination Schedule

Optional Workshop Schedule

To Enrol / Module Registration

Chartered Banker Qualification

Chartered Banker (under refreshed Chartered Banker framework)

Click here

Click here

Click here

Chartered Banker By Experience (CBBE)

Click here

Click here

International Compliance Association (ICA) Programmes

Certification in AML / CFT

Click here

Click here

Advanced Certification in AML / CFT

Certification in Regulatory Compliance

Click here

Advanced Certification in Regulatory Compliance

Financial Markets Association of Malaysia (FMAM) Programmes

Investor Protection Professional Certification (IPPC)

Click here

Click here

Pasaran Kewangan Malaysia Certificate (PKMC)

Click here

Prior Experience Conversion (PEC) Programme

Prior Experience Conversion (PEC)

Click here

Click here

Qualifications to be Phased Out

Chartered Banker

Click here

Click here

Professional Banker

Updated Certified Credit Executive

Click here

Updated Business Credit Professional

Updated Retail Credit Professional

Updated Bank Risk Management

Click here

Updated Certification for Bank Auditors

Click here

B. Discontinuation of Certified Professional in Financial Crime Compliance (CPFCC)

Kindly note that the Certified Professional in Financial Crime Compliance (CPFCC) programme will be discontinued with immediate effect.

C. Discontinuation of Prior Experience Conversion (PEC)

Kindly note that the Prior Experience Conversion (PEC) programme will be discontinued and the enrolment for the last two intakes will be in January 2023 and April 2023.

For enquiries, please contact our Member Services team at [email protected]

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