Important Changes to the Investor Protection Professional Certification (IPPC) & Pasaran Kewangan Malaysia Certificate (PKMC)

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Important Changes to the Investor Protection Professional Certification (IPPC) & Pasaran Kewangan Malaysia Certificate (PKMC)

18 Jan 2021

Please be informed of the following changes to the Investor Protection Professional Certification (IPPC) and Pasaran Kewangan Malaysia Certificate (PKMC) qualification, effective 1 January 2021:

1Qualification time limitCandidates are required to pass all four PKMC modules within 6 consecutive examination sittings (1 examination cycle), failing which the passes gained in the examination cycle will be nullified and candidates will be required to begin a new examination cycle immediately.Candidates are required to pass all 4 modules within 2 years of admission as a member of PPKM, failing which their memberships will be terminated by PPKM and any module passes gained will be nullified.N/A
2Module sequenceModule 1 must be attempted at the first sitting. If candidates fail to pass Module 1 at the first sitting, Module 1 must be included as one of the papers to be examined in subsequent examination sittings.No module sequencing.N/A
3WorkshopsWorkshop attendance is mandatory.Workshops will be discontinued*, and an independent learning (self-study) concept will be adopted.

*An optional workshop for Module III will be offered for the April 2021 examination sitting.

Workshops will be discontinued, and an independent learning (self-study) concept will be adopted.
4AwardCandidates are required to pass all 4 module examinations within the time limit of 6 consecutive sittings to be awarded the Pasaran Kewangan Malaysia Certificate.Candidates are required to complete all 4 modules within the 2-year time limit to be awarded the Pasaran Kewangan Malaysia Certificate.N/A
5Online examination frequencyIPPC – 4 times a year, i.e., Mar, Jun, Sep, and Dec.

PKMC –3 times a year, i.e., Mar, Jul, and Nov.

Bi-monthly, beginning from the April 2021 examination sitting, i.e., Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct and Dec.Monthly, beginning from the April 2021 examination sitting.
6Learning supportCandidates receive learning materials for their examination preparations via the Member Portal, and hardcopies as well.Hardcopies of learning materials will no longer be provided. Candidates may access the learning materials via the Member Portal.Candidates may access the learning materials via the Member Portal.

The qualification expiry date for all active PKMC candidates will be automatically changed to 31 Dec 2022.

2021 Online Examination Schedules

For the IPPC online examination schedule, please click here.

For the PKMC online examination schedule, please click here.


There will be a fee revision effective from the June 2021 examination sitting.


For enquiries, please send our Member Services team an email at [email protected] or call 1300-88-6833 / 03-2602 6833.

Thank you for your kind attention.

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