Ethics & Integrity: The Importance of Creating a "Speak Up" Culture

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Ethics & Integrity: The Importance of Creating a "Speak Up" Culture

27 Apr 2021 @ 4:00 pm (+8 GMT)
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As part of AICB’s aim to instil a culture of ethics in bankers, the Institute has once again collaborated with the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA) and the Chartered Banker Institute, UK on a webinar, this time focusing on “Ethics & Integrity: The Importance of Creating a ‘Speak Up’ Culture”. Moderated by Suzanne Gavrilovic, Business Director at mwah. Making Work Absolutely Human, Australia, the session discussed the need to develop and embed a “speak up” culture across organisations to ensure that integrity and long-term sustainability are maintained. Panellists Dennis Gentilin, Director, Deloitte Australia; Adjunct Fellow, Macquarie University and Acting Head of Standards at FINSIA and Robert Souster, Partner at Spruce Lodge Training, United Kingdom shared real-life case studies on whistleblowing and ethical dilemmas in the banking and financial sector, and advised how individuals who are looking to raise issues may do so without jeopardising their positions in the organisation. The webinar was held on 27 April 2021 @ 4 pm, and was attended by over 500 individuals.

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