Ethical Finance 2021

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Ethical Finance 2021

08 Jun 2021 @ 2:00 pm (+8 GMT)
Pe ef 3rd v01 l

AICB’s first collaboration with the Global Ethical Finance Initiative (GEFI) — the Ethical Finance 2021 (EF2021) Summit — was held on 8–10 June 2021. Themed “Financing a Sustainable Future: Climate and Beyond”, this virtual summit is dedicated to driving positive change in financial services by bringing people together to explore the transition to a more sustainable financial system. This year’s esteemed speakers included, among others, Bill Winters, Group Chief Executive of Standard Chartered Bank; Dr Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank; Inger Andersen, Executive Director at the United Nations Environment Programme; Hiro Mizuno, United Nations Special Envoy on Innovative Finance and Sustainable Investments, and Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Climate & Energy Global Practice Leader at WWF. AICB hosted a special South East Asia Regional Showcase session on Day 1 of EF2021— 8 June 2021 at 4 pm — titled “Turning the Tide on Climate Change Through Sustainable Finance: The SEA Green Potential”. Speakers with a wealth of experience in sustainable finance shared their thoughts on the efforts that should be implemented to advance the sustainability agenda from a regulatory and industry perspective; discussed developments in climate policies across the region, and highlighted the learnings from case studies on how banks in SEA have successfully implemented green initiatives and transitioned to a sustainability-first business. The event was complimentary for all attendees.

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