Building the Right Board to Respond to the Climate Challenge

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Building the Right Board to Respond to the Climate Challenge

27 Jan 2021 @ 4:30 pm (+8 GMT)
PE cisi v01

AICB collaborated with the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) on a webinar titled “Building the Right Board to Respond to the Climate Challenge”, held on 27 January 2021 @ 4.30 pm. Chaired by Senior Adviser of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment George Littlejohn, discussions centred on how boards can best structure themselves to address the climate challenge considering its fiduciary duty to oversee and ensure the long-term success and strategic direction of a firm. Panel speakers Sam Anthony, Analyst, Ninety One, UK; Richard Burrett, Fellow, University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, UK; David Jones, Master’s student, University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and Charity Trustee, UK; Clare Nickson-Havens, Strategic Adviser – ESG, Paradice Investment Management and Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative, and Beata Born, Executive Director, UBS Switzerland shared three overarching themes that emerged from the review on board characteristics driving a firm’s climate response, namely board structure; board diversity and mindset, and board processes. The webinar was attended by close to 100 individuals.

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