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Unmasking Insider Risk — Building A Resilient Culture

Frequently Asked Questions


A. Individual Membership

  • 1. Am I eligible to join AICB?

    AICB membership is open to employees of financial institutions, as well as individuals who intend to pursue a career in banking.

    Please click here to view the available membership categories and the respective requirements.

  • 2. How do I become a member of AICB?

    Applications for membership can be made online via the AICB Member Portal at any time of the year. Click here to register as a member.

  • 3. Do I need to become a member before I can take a qualification with the Institute?

    Candidates studying for a qualification (with the exception of Pasaran Kewangan Malaysia Certificate and Investor Protection Professional Certification candidates) are required to hold a valid membership with AICB to begin or continue with their studies.

  • 4. What are the benefits of membership with AICB?

    As a member of AICB, you will have access to a range of exclusive benefits such as:

    • Professional recognition: Recognition as a professionally qualified individual in the banking fraternity, including global recognition for the Chartered Banker brand.
    • Career development opportunities: Access to a range of qualifications to suit the different needs of your career progression.
    • Networking opportunities: Access to a range of member engagement events.
    • Career growth and eLearning resources: Complimentary in-house publication on banking trends and eLearning references.
    • Subsidised CPD / thought leadership programmes and conferences at member rates.
  • 5. Can I use a professional designation if my membership has expired?

    The use of a professional designation is subject to continued membership with the Institute and meeting the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements.

  • 6. How do I upgrade my membership category?

    Members with a valid status will be automatically upgraded upon completion of the following qualifications:

    Professional designationQualifications
    • Professional Banker (PB)
    • Business Credit Professional (BCP)
    • Retail Credit Professional (RCP)
    • Bank Risk Management (BRM)
    • Certification for Bank Auditors (CBA)
    • Certified Anti-Money Laundering & Counter Financing of Terrorism
    • Compliance Officer (CAMCO)
    • Advanced Certification in AML/CFT (ACAML)
    • Advanced Certification in Regulatory Compliance (ACRC)
    Associate Chartered Banker
    • Specialist Certificate in Bank Audit (SCBKA)
    • Specialist Certificate in Bank Risk (SCBKR)
    • Specialist Certificate in Bank Business Credit (SCBBC)
    • Specialist Certificate in Bank Retail Credit (SCBRC)
    • Specialist Certificate in Anti-Money Laundering & Counter Financing of Terrorism (SCAML)
    • Specialist Certificate in Regulatory Compliance (SCRC)

      Compulsory Module
    • Transition Professionalism and Ethics (TRPET)
    Chartered Banker
    • Chartered Banker Level 3
    • Chartered Banker By Experience (CBBE)

  • 7. What are the fees payable for membership?

    New admissions will be charged a subscription fee. Thereafter, the annual subscription fee is due and payable on or before 1 January of each year. Members are required to renew their annual subscriptions online via the AICB Member Portal on the AICB website.

    The membership subscription fees are available on the AICB website. Click here to view the membership admission and renewal fees.

  • 8. Can my employer sponsor the membership subscription fee?

    Employers who are Corporate Members of AICB may opt to sponsor their employees’ membership subscription fees.

    Members are required to submit the request for sponsorship via the AICB Member Portal. Members are highly encouraged to obtain prior approvals from their respective employers.

  • 9. Does AICB offer discounts on annual subscription fees?

    The Institute offers reductions in annual subscription fees to members (except Affiliate members) who are aged 60 and above and have retired from gainful employment and business activities.

    Applications for the reduction of the annual subscription fee shall be made online using the prescribed form accompanied by supporting documents.

  • 10. How do I get an invoice or receipt for my payment?

    An invoice or receipt can be obtained from the AICB Member Portal.

  • 11. I cannot remember my username and password for the AICB Member Portal — how do I log in?

    a. Your username is your NRIC number (for Malaysians) or passport number (for non-Malaysians) or Membership Number

    b. Click here to obtain your temporary password. A temporary password will be sent via email.

  • 12. What must I do to readmit myself for my designated membership?

    All applications for re-admission shall be made online via the AICB Member Portal. Upon approval, the applicant shall pay a re-admission fee equivalent to the total of the current year’s subscription and the subscriptions for the previous years (at the applicable subscription rates) during which the individual’s membership had lapsed. Re-admission to membership does not entitle the member to retrospective benefits.

  • 13. Why have I been removed from the membership register?

    An Individual Member shall cease to be a member in the following circumstances:

    a. in the event of death

    b. if he/she fails to pay the annual subscription fee, or

    c. if he/she becomes of unsound mind.

  • 14. How do I cancel my membership?

    An Individual Member may cancel his/her membership by sending a notice in writing to the Secretary at [email protected] and upon acceptance by the Council, he/she shall cease to be a member and his/her name shall be removed from the Register of Members. A member whose notice of resignation has not been received by the Secretary prior to 1 February of any year shall remain liable for any fees or subscriptions in respect of that year.

  • 15. How do I access the e-Resources?

    You can access the e-Resources via the AICB Member Portal. Once you have logged in, click on e-Resources, where you will have access to a wide range of resources, including reference books and articles, videos and e-learning modules. Please ensure that you have a valid membership status to access these resources.

  • 16. How do I renew my membership and what are the payment options available?

    Log in to the AICB Member Portal to pay your annual membership subscription fees via:

    a. Bank sponsorship

    You may select this option if your employer agrees to sponsor the AICB annual membership subscription fee. The sponsorship request will be sent to your employer for approval. Upon approval, your membership status and expiry date will be updated accordingly. Should the request be rejected, you may proceed with option b. Requests which are pending for more than 30 days will be automatically rejected.
    The bank sponsorship option is only available for members who are employed by AICB’s Corporate Members.

    b. Self sponsorship

    You may proceed with the payment via debit/credit card or online banking. Once the payment has been made, your membership status and expiry date will be updated. You may also retrieve the invoice and receipt from the AICB Member Portal account statement folder. Should the update take longer than 24 hours, please send us an email at [email protected].

  • 17. What happens if I do not renew my membership?

    You will lose a range of exclusive benefits available to AICB members, which include:

    • recognition as a professionally qualified banker, including global recognition via the Chartered Banker designation
    • career development opportunities with access to a range of qualifications to suit the various requirements of your career progression
    • networking opportunities with access to a range of member engagement events
    • career resources such as thought leadership publications, online learning resources and references, CPD offerings and recognition.
    • subsidised programmes, such as e-learning and knowledge-sharing programmes, and thought leadership conferences at member rates.
  • 18. Do I need to maintain my membership to enrol for a qualification?

    Candidates studying for a qualification (except Pasaran Kewangan Malaysia Certificate and Investor Protection Professional Certification candidates) are required to hold a valid membership with AICB. A candidate's professional qualification will continue to be recognised if a valid membership is maintained with AICB.

  • 19. If I do not renew my membership but I intend to do so later, would that be possible?

    Any Individual Member who fails to pay the annual subscription fee within three months from the due date shall cease to be a member and his/her name shall be removed from the Register of Members unless the Council decides otherwise.

    If you have been removed from the Register of Members, you may apply to become an AICB member again. Re-admission applications may be made via the AICB Member Portal.

    Upon approval of the re-admission application, a member shall pay a re-admission fee equivalent to the total fee of the current year’s subscription and the subscriptions for the previous years (at the applicable subscription rates) during which the individual’s membership had lapsed. Click here for more information (page 7, para 11, Re-Admission to Membership).

  • 20. May I attend the events and webinars conducted by AICB if I do not renew my membership?

    We welcome non-members to most of our events. However, non-members are required to pay the non-subsidised fee to attend, while members enjoy preferential rates. We do, from time to time, run events that cater only to AICB members.

  • 21. Can I use my professional designation if I am no longer a member?

    The use of a professional designation is subject to continued membership with AICB and meeting the CPD requirements. You will need to maintain your membership with AICB post-completion of a qualification.

B. Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

  • 22. What is CPD?

    Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the means by which members of professional associations maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge and skills, and develop the personal qualities required in their professional lives.

    The Institute’s approach to CPD is to foster a commitment to lifelong learning among members. The Institute encourages all Individual Members to maintain and develop their knowledge and skills throughout their careers to ensure they remain professionally competent and able to provide high quality services to customers, employers and other stakeholders.

    Click here for more information.

  • 23. Who needs to complete and comply with the CPD requirements?

    All members, except Life members, are subject to mandatory CPD and must comply with the following minimum requirements for CPD:

    1. Group 1: Members who hold a professional designation awarded by the Institute are required to undertake at least 35 hours of relevant CPD activity in each calendar year, of which 20 hours must be structured CPD. At least 10 hours of the structured CPD must be in areas directly related to banking, and 5 hours of the structured CPD, in ethics.
    2. Group 2: Members who hold a professional designation and who are Dual Membership Holders (AICB–FMAM) are required to undertake at least 38 hours of CPD activity in each calendar year in areas directly related to banking or finance. Of this, at least 20 hours must be structured CPD programmes conducted or recognised by AICB, Financial Markets Association of Malaysia (FMAM), Securities Industry Development Corporation (SIDC), Asian Banking School (ABS), Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) or other professional bodies or organisations, and 5 hours must be structured CPD in Ethics.

    Click here for more information.

  • 24. When do the CPD requirements take effect?

    Newly admitted members or current members who have attained a professional designation are required to comply with the CPD requirements from 1 January of the following year.

    Click here for more information.

  • 25. Can I transfer any additional CPD hours that I have logged for the current year to the following year?

    Members who have undertaken more than the required amount of CPD as set out in regulation 5.1 may not carry forward the surplus hours to the following year. The CPD attainment set out in regulation 5.1 is the minimum that members are required to achieve to maintain their professional competence. It is recommended that the time invested in CPD exceeds these minimum levels.

  • 26. What is structured and unstructured CPD activity?

    Structured CPD is any form of formal learning activity that is designed to achieve specific learning outcomes and is capable of being objectively verified by a competent source. Unstructured CPD is any informal learning activity such as on-the-job training, online research, self-study, casual reading of professional journals and participation in events, where the focus is on knowledge sharing. For more information, click here.

  • 27. Where do I update my CPD activity?

    Please log in to the AICB Member Portal to update your CPD activities under the CPD tab.

  • 28. What will happen if I fail to comply with the CPD requirements?

    Members who fail to comply with the CPD requirements for two consecutive years will have their membership downgraded and the use of their professional designations suspended.

  • 29. Are there any members who are exempt from the CPD requirements?

    All members are expected to comply with the CPD requirements.

    However, if a member is unable to meet the CPD requirements due to special circumstances, he/she may apply for exemption from CPD. Circumstances recognised for exemption include:

    a. Prolonged illness or disability

    b. Onerous caring duties for a close family member

    c. Parental leave

    d. Unemployment, and

    e. Career break.

    To apply for exemption from CPD, kindly log in to the AICB Member Portal and submit your application for approval.

C. Corporate Membership

  • 30. Is my organisation eligible to join AICB?

    Corporate membership of the Institute is open to licensed banks, licensed investment banks, other licensed financial institutions, regulators of the banking and financial services industry, and other institutions approved by the Council.

    For more details on Corporate membership, please click here.

D. Admission

E. Assessment

F. Online Learning Support

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